Año 2014 - Vol. 35 - Núm. 1 Página de inicio de la colección

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 1 to 8 of 8
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
18-jul-2014Beyond the criminal appropriation of children: the emergence of organizations of “adoptees” seeking their “biological identity” in Argentina; ;
18-jul-2014Transmission of local knowledge and material culture: Community study of textile production through Social Network Analysis; ;
18-jul-2014The Financial World as an Anthropological Object; ;
18-jul-2014Permeable Borders: the Circulation of Captives in Santa Fe; ;
18-jul-2014Migrant Transnationalism: Emigrant policies in Uruguay and Uruguayan association movements in Argentina; ;
18-jul-2014The Catriels, from friends to being under arrest. The end or the continuity of a strategy?; ;
18-jul-2014Anthropological semiotics of ritual change: from the old to the new rites; ;
18-jul-2014In Transit Cartographies: Oral Maps and Social Memory in El Cajón (Catamarca, Argentina); ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 1 to 8 of 8